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What is the Difference Between Bioidentical and Body Identical HRT?

Written by Robert Johnson - February 12, 2023

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been utilized for many years to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause, andropause, and other hormonal imbalances. There are two types of HRT available - bioidentical hormones and body-identical hormones. Many people are confused about their differences and which type of therapy might be best for them.

In order to understand the distinction between bioidentical versus body-identical HRT, we must look at the structure of each. Both forms of hormone replacement therapy use synthetic hormones that have been tailored to match a patient’s own unique hormone makeup. However, bioidentical hormones are created through a process called compounding, in which a pharmacist combines multiple ingredients together to create a custom mixture that is tailoredto meet an individual's specific needs. This ensures that the end result is exactly what the doctor prescribes. In contrast, body- identical hormones are formulated with just one ingredient, making them much less customizable than bioidenticals.

There are several benefits associated with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). First, because BHRT uses multiple ingredients to match an individual’s unique hormone profile, it provides a more precise dose of hormones than body- identical therapies can provide. Additionally, because BHRT is custom tailored to fit an individual’s needs on an individual basis, it can provide better symptom relief with fewer side effects than body- identical therapies can provide.

Another benefit of bioidentical HRT is its natural origins. Most bioidenticals are derived from plant sources such as yams or soybeans, making them much more sustainable and eco-friendly than standard synthetics used in body- identical therapies. Additionally, because they come from natural sources they tend to be easier for the body to absorb and metabolize properly than synthetics can be. This can help reduce potential side effects experienced by those taking synthetics in traditional HRT treatments.

Finally, if managed correctly under the guidance of trained professionals like those at Hormone Treatment Center – who specialize in both conventional and alternative forms of HRT – BHRT can help individuals achieve improved health outcomes in comparison to conventional treatment options alone with fewer side effects associated with long term use.

To summarize:

  • Bioidentical hormones are tailor made by compounding pharmacists and combine multiple ingredients that work together to precisely match a patient’s own unique hormone makeup for optimal results
  • Body identical hormones only contain one ingredient so they cannot be custom tailored as easily as bioidenticals
  • Bioidenticals are derived from more natural sources such as plants making them more eco friendly
  • With proper management from trained professionals like those at Hormone Treatment Center , BHRT may provide improved health outcomes with fewer long term side effects compared to traditional treatments alone

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