Written by Robert Johnson - February 03, 2023
Bioidentical hormone pellets are a safe and effective way to replace hormones that are lost due to age or some health conditions. The length of time you can take them depends on your individual needs but, in general, bioidentical hormone pellets can be taken for up to five years.
As we get older, our bodies produce fewer hormones, resulting in a decrease in an individual’s ability to maintain their overall health and wellbeing. This can result in a plethora of symptoms associated with aging such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, depression and anxiety. To help alleviate these symptoms, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is used to help balance out the body’s hormones so that it can function properly.
Bioidentical hormone pellets are one type of hormone replacement therapy that has been used successfully for more than 30 years. They are made from plant-based compounds which have a molecular structure that is identical to the natural hormones produced by the human body. This allows them to be readily absorbed and used by the body.
The length of time you can take bioidentical hormone pellets depends on your doctor’s assessment of your particular needs and goals for treatment. Generally speaking, implants containing bioidentical estrogen and testosterone may last up to five years when replaced on schedule. However this varies from patient to patient depending on their individual circumstances.
If you are considering bioidentical hormone pellets as a form of treatment then it is important to discuss all potential risks and benefits with your doctor before beginning therapy. Your doctor will assess your physical condition as well as taking into account any medications or supplements that you may currently be taking in order to determine whether BHRT is right for you or not.
For those who do pursue BHRT with bioidentical hormone pellets there are several benefits:
Pellet Therapy allows hormones to be released steadily over time providing longer-lasting effects than other methods;
Pellet Therapy helps reduce hot flashes and night sweats;
And improving sleep quality while restoring libido, energy levels and mood swings;
With consistent dosing levels provided by this form of treatment patients generally have fewer side effects than they would experience with other forms of HRT such as oral pills or skin patches;
Lastly it has minimal impact on cardiovascular health when compared with synthetic versions of premarin/prempro (estrogen/progesterone).
At Hormone Treatment Center we offer personalized Bio-Identical Pellet Therapy using only high quality raw materials sourced directly from USP approved suppliers so our patients get only the best possible care available anywhere! Our team consists of experienced clinicians dedicated towards helping improve our patients overall cardiovascular health through balanced hormonal therapy – all from the comfort & convenience of their home! If you're interested please don't hesitate to call us at 1-(800)-XXX-XXXX today – we are ready & waiting!
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Fill the form below or just call us (888) 496-6994