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Does bioidentical estrogen help with weight loss?

Written by Robert Johnson - January 18, 2023

It's a common belief that bioidentical estrogen can help with weight loss. But the reality is it depends on why a woman's hormones are out of balance in the first place.

Estrogen and other hormones have an important role to play in maintaining a healthy weight, as they regulate metabolism, energy production, and appetite. When hormone levels become imbalanced, the effects can be seen in sudden changes in weight.

Bioidentical estrogen is one way to restore hormonal balance and promote weight loss. This type of estrogen is derived directly from plants and has been designed to closely resemble human hormones, so it offers more precise dosing and safety than traditional hormone replacement therapies. It can also target specific symptoms associated with hormone imbalance without having unwanted side effects.

Weight gain due to hormonal imbalance usually occurs because of:

  • Underproduction of progesterone or testosterone which leads to an increase in fatty tissue
  • Low thyroid function resulting in slowed metabolism
  • High levels of cortisol due to stress or life events
  • Underproduction of estrogen leading to slowed metabolic rate

Bioidentical estrogen helps address each one of these causes by restoring hormonal balance through precise dosages of estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid hormones and cortisol. This can cause a number of positive changes such as a faster metabolism, lower fat storage and improved muscle mass.

In addition to helping resolve underlying causes for weight gain due to hormonal imbalance, bioidentical estrogen therapy also has other beneficial effects including increased energy levels, improved moods, better sleep quality and reduced inflammation which all contribute towards healthier living overall. For example, higher energy levels mean women will be more likely to go out for walks or exercise regularly which leads to better overall health outcomes.

At Hormone Treatment Center we use bioindentical forms of hormones (estrogen) that most closely mimic our natural chemistry allowing us to hit very specific targets while minimizing side-effects and reducing costs significantly when compared with traditional synthetic HRT regimens! Contact us today if you would like to learn more about how bioidenitcal Estrogen therapy could help you lose weight!

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