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Can Menopause Make You Feel Ill?

Written by John Matthews - January 26, 2023

Yes, menopause can make you feel ill, both physically and mentally. It is important to understand the symptoms of menopause in order to know when you should seek medical advice.

Physical Symptoms:

  • Hot flashes: Hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth or heat that start at the neck and spread across the face, chest, and back.
  • Night sweats: These are episodes of profuse sweating during sleep. They can cause disrupted sleep and fatigue during the day.
  • Vaginal dryness: This symptom causes irritation and pain during sex due to lack of lubrication.
  • Joint pain: Joints may become stiffer and more painful during menopause as hormone levels decrease over time.
  • Hair loss/changes in texture: Due to changes in hormone levels, hair may become thinner and more prone to breakage than before menopause.
  • Changes in skin texture/appearance: Skin may become less elastic and drier due to hormonal changes associated with menopause.
  • Weight gain: Many women experience weight gain due to a decrease in muscle mass associated with aging.

Mental Symptoms:

  • Mood swings: Women often struggle with mood swings during menopausal transition which can lead to irritability, depression or anxiety.
  • Poor concentration/memory problems: Memory issues such as forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating can be common during menopausal transition as well.
  • Sleep disturbances/insomnia: Insomnia can cause fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating and poor memory which are all negatively impacted by poor sleep hygiene.

When You Should Seek Medical Advice?

If you have any of these physical or mental symptoms for longer than three months it is recommended that you seek medical advice from your primary care doctor or gynecologist who specialize in treating women’s health concerns related to the menopausal transition period. Treatment might include lifestyle modifications such as diet changes, exercise programs or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT has been proven safe if taken under proper instruction from your healthcare provider - Hormone Treatment Center works with patients on an individual basis so they can get the best treatment plan for their needs!

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