Written by Sarah Thompson - January 08, 2023
For many couples, the answer is "yes" unfortunately. Menopause is a life-changing event for women, and can cause major upheavals in family life and relationships. While it's natural for couples to go through changes as their lives evolve, menopause can add an extra layer of stress that can push marriages to the breaking point if not handled correctly.
The Physical Effects of Menopause
As a woman approaches menopause, her body prepares by releasing fewer Estrogen hormones. This hormone reduction is what leads to physical changes like hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and mood swings. Additionally, sexual intercourse becomes more painful due to vaginal dryness or thinning of the walls of the vagina. These physiological symptoms make it difficult for menopausal women to maintain an active sex life which can lead to feelings of neglect and frustration.
The Emotional Effects of Menopause
When dealing with menopausal symptoms women often feel isolated because they don't want anyone knowing they are going through these changes. In some cases women even blame themselves for their physical ailments - feeling embarrassed or ashamed that their body isn't doing what it used to do before. This can create tension between partners because communication about each other's needs isn't happening due to shame or embarrassment about discussing sex-related issues or problems in general caused by hormonal imbalances.
Additional Stressors Causing Tension in a Relationship
Another factor that affects many marriages during this time is financial strain. As hormone levels decrease, so does libido, making intimacy less likely while money continues to be spent on medications, treatments and doctor's visits associated with menopausal symptoms - as well as any additional costs associated with transitioning into retirement which may be occurring at the same time. It's also common for husbands who have gone through years taking care of their wives to now find themselves providing increased levels of care due to age-related health issues compounded with menopausal side effects like forgetfulness or decreased energy levels that lead to constant fatigue and stress on both parties in the relationship. These issues create more arguments and resentment in relationships were once there was love and understanding; leading some couples towards divorce court instead of seeking better solutions together..
**How Couples Can Overcome Menopausal Challenges Together: **
Menopause does not have to break up a marriage if both people are willing address their concerns collectively without judgement or defensiveness.. Even though menopause imposes many physical hardships on women who are going through it, there are still ways couples can lessen confrontation while finding adequate solutions – like those listed above – that will benefit them long term.
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