Written by John Matthews - January 30, 2023
No, bioidentical hormones do not cause ovarian cancer, however, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) does carry other risks. While the exact link between HRT and ovarian cancer remains unclear, there is a potential risk factor associated with it.
It is important to note that the term ‘bioidentical’ hormone refers to hormones that are identical in chemical structure to those found naturally in the body, whereas HRT generally refers to artificial or synthetic hormones that have been created in a lab.
Studies suggest that when taking HRT with estrogen-progestin combinations for 10 years or longer, can slightly increase one's risk of developing ovarian cancer. Some studies also report that women taking estrogen alone for 5 or more years may be at an increased risk for ovarian cancer.
The largest study of its kind on this topic, conducted by The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), examined 16,608 postmenopausal women over a period of seven years and concluded that “there was no statistically significant effect of combined estrogen plus progestin use on the relative risk of ovarian cancer”. Another study published in 2018 reported similar findings; it studied a group of 2092 Swedish women who had undergone HRT for either more than 15 years or less than 15 years and concluded there was only “limited evidence suggesting any relationship between long-term hormone therapy use and ovarian cancer”.
It is worth noting however, while synthetic hormones are considered safe when taken at low doses under medical supervision; they can still cause serious side effects such as an increased risk of developing blood clots, stroke, heart attack and breast cancer. It is therefore important to speak with your doctor before starting any form of hormone replacement therapy.
At Hormone Treatment Center they understand how important it is to address hormonal imbalances safely and effectively without sacrificing your health. They offer personalised bioidentical hormone replacement plans tailored specifically to each individual woman's needs so you can get relief from symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes without worrying about your health risks increasing. Book a consultation today at Hormone Treatment Center to take the first step towards restoring balance in your life!
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